Corn Removal
Treatment in Pune


Corns are thickened dead skin that appears under the foot and in the areas all around the toes. These are mostly cone-shaped and penetrate deep into the skin. While corns in the toe gaps may be soft due to the moisture, invariably, it is hard in other places.


These are mainly caused by additional pressure or friction. It is a sort of body mechanism that protects us against blisters. For instance, corns are visible in rowers' hands, who does the high-pressure job through hands. This is precisely the reason corn grows back even after we remove it.


As responsible doctors at Skinovate, we would like to insist on the fact that the self-removal of corns is not a good practice. Mostly, people with poor eyesight and diabetes should not attempt to clean their corns on their own.
Our dermatologist, after evaluating the area, follows the cautery procedure for corn removal. As the formation of corns are due to excess pressure, our dermatologists analyses all the factors such as
Our dermatologist, after evaluating the area, follows the cautery procedure for corn removal. As the formation of corns are due to excess pressure, our dermatologists analyses all the factors such as