Hair Regrowth
Treatment in Pune

Hair Regrowth Treatment

Baldness is the worst nightmare of every individual. Unfortunately, due to the current lifestyle Millennials have chosen, baldness has become an inevitable process. The good news is, one can regrow the fallen hair with the help of a wide range of hair treatments, hair exercises, and diet. Also, happy and no-stress life is the key to maintain good health and fair hair.
Skinovate has the best treatments based on the baldness issue; that’s why we are known as the best center providing hair regrowth treatment in Pune.

Hair Regrowth Treatment Options at Skinovate

At Skinovate, we create beauty most artistically to permanently help patients get rid of their baldness and restore their natural hair growth cycle. Our exclusive treatments include:

Hair Transplantation

The procedure involves taking a strip of the hair-bearing scalp from the back of the head. The hair follicles are removed and transplanted back to the bald areas. Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which the hair is moved from the donor area to thinning or bald spots on the scalp’s front, top, or crown.

I-Grow Hair Growth Treatment

It is a Non-invasive Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT). Patients suffering from hair loss problems due to Androgenetic Alopecia (genetic factors) can progressively regrow their damaged hair follicles. The procedure involves re-energizing, stimulating, and stabilizing the damaged follicle cells. Many patients claim they have regrown the fallen hair for up to 35-40%. Also, the regrown hair is comparatively thicker, fuller, and in a much healthier state.
Skinovate is one of the best clinics for hair regrowth treatment in Pune. Here, we follow only the ethical path of cosmetic treatments. With the help of advanced lasers and highly dependable chemical solutions, we perform the best treatment of Laser and Chemical Peels in Pune for our patients. To know more about our services and treatment, counseling you can connect with us today.