Best Hair Transplant in Pune

Hair Transplant

It’s natural and healthy to shed up to 100 hair strands in a day. But, if the hair loss has started showing on your scalp, it’s time to consult an expert dermatologist/trichologist for hair loss treatment. Whatever may be the reason, hair loss is a serious problem that our generation is mostly dealing with. Skinovate has created an impressive history of successful hair loss treatment and helped people reclaim their lost confidence and charm through hair transplant in Pune.

When Is A Hair Transplant Surgery Recommended?

Many reasons could trigger hair loss among men and women. It may be due to:
The hair loss condition caused due to most of these cases cannot be reversed or controlled in most cases. The best option to undo the hair loss in such cases is to opt for hair transplant surgery.

How Is Hair Transplant Performed At Skinovate?

At Skinovate, we first diagnose the root cause behind the individual’s hair loss. Is it patterned baldness? Is the person living a stressful life? What are the possible reasons that could affect their hair and disrupt its growth cycle?
Then, we run a few tests to determine the mode of treatment. Some may regrow their hair using medicines, medicated shampoos, and oiling their scalp. However, some may require surgical treatments, such as:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

Under this procedure, an expert will extract one follicular unit graft at a time from a donor area (usually your body part that contains dense hair). This unit graft is then transplanted in the bald area via tiny needle pricks.

Skinovate clinic has been offering safe, effective and best hair transplant in Pune since 2014. We believe in understanding the patient’s anatomy and accordingly act upon the problem. Are you losing your confidence due to poor hair growth or excess hair fall? Do not wait for tomorrow. Call us today and get expert consultation by trusted, board-certified dermatologists and trichologist/cosmetologist.