Skin & Hair Disorders
Treatment in Pune

Skin & Hair Disorders

Many forms of physical and psychological diseases affect our outer body, which includes our skin, hair, and nails. Unfortunately, their signs and symptoms are sometimes similar or undetectable, making it difficult to differentiate them in the early stages of their onset. It is essential to know the exact causes behind your hair loss problem before opting for any treatment course. This information helps educate yourself and assists in boosting your confidence in the chosen treatment procedures. Hence, the best way to keep your body and personality healthy is to give a call to your dermatologist and seek immediate medical attention.
The most common skin, hair, nail, and psychosexual disorders that can degrade your beauty and confidence in one way or another are discussed below.

Common Skin Disorders

Seborrheic disease

This skin condition is more common in babies. Although it is harmless and usually goes away on its own, in adults, it can develop anywhere on the body and expand/grow on the other parts of the body. For some patients, it may go away for the rest of their life.


Moles are nothing but skin cells bunched up with tissues around. Often moles are harmless, but one should regularly get them checked if they grow large, look abnormal, or color changes, as it may be an initial symptom of growing skin cancer.


Abnormal looking moles develop into melanoma, severe and life-threatening skin disease. Patients who develop melanoma are recommended chemotherapy and radiation therapy to diagnose skin cancer.


It is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks your healthy skin cells due to some abnormalities. The symptoms typically include abnormal-looking, red, scaly, and very itchy skin.


This condition is more common among infants and young adults. The symptoms include rashes on the face, scalp, behind the elbows, or on the neck, wrists, ankles, or legs. There is no known cure for eczema, but our skincare specialist in Pune at Skinovate can help manage the symptoms with effective medications and therapies to prevent it for a lifetime.


It refers to the loss of skin pigmentation from a part of your skin surface. The patches often occur on the area over-exposed to the sun and may spread slowly over the years. Some medical and surgical treatment options may diminish the patches, but one must first consult our dermatologist to ensure they are the ideal candidate for the provided treatment.

Common Hair Disorders

Male Pattern Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia)

The majority of men are affected by this problem, and it mostly affects the front side of their hairline, causing it to recede backward. It is not a medical disorder, and it is completely a genetic issue. To prevent hair loss, medications such as Minoxidil are prescribed by our dermatologists. But the results are always based on the skill and efficacy of your trichologist and their treatments.

Female Pattern Baldness

Women experience hair loss due to hormones and genetic factors. Female pattern baldness affects the central part line and the temple of women. Though it does not cause baldness, it leads to thinning of hair and loss of overall density. Clinically proven medications are available for this condition.

Alopecia Areata

It is an autoimmune disease that leads to hair loss in a localized area of the scalp. Under normal circumstances, the lost hair is regained. Even if it doesn’t grow back, our dermatologists prescribe medication for effective treatment.

Tinea Capitis

It is the fungal infection in the scalp responsible for damaging hair follicles and their shafts, thereby causing hair loss. Medication courses prescribed by a trained trichologist can completely cure this problem.

Common Nail Disorders

Senile nails

The nails become brittle and develop ridges and separate the nail layers at the end of the nail.

Whitish or Yellowish nails

This condition often develops due to onycholysis. The nails separate from the nail bed and make it more susceptible to fungal infection.

Red or black nails

This condition develops due to hematoma. Accidental trauma causes a black spot inside the nails. Our dermatologist may also recommend a simple biopsy to diagnose melanoma (skin cancer) if the black spots occur on your toenail.

Pitted nails

Pitted nails are often associated with psoriasis or an underlying skin condition that has affected your nail matrix (the skin inside your nails).

Swollen or Red nails

It refers to a skin infection at the nails’ bottom (cuticles). Commonly known as Paronychia, swollen nails are often caused due to bacteria buildup inside the nails and make them more susceptible to fungal infection.

Chronic Nail Trauma

Athletic endeavors damage the nails and permanently change their appearance. Chronic nails often appear as fungal nails and aesthetically look unpleasant.

Common Psychosexual Disorders

Anxiety & Depression

Depression is the most common psychological disorder leading to various skin and hair disorders.
Extreme anxiety and depression disrupt your routine lifestyle, diet, and psychological processes to the point that their effects start to hamper your hair’s quality and allow certain skin problems to develop.
Mental stress and anxiety are also known to build self-harming psychosexual habits in the patient that lead to certain deformities or unpleasant patches bald or scarred patches.
Anyone diagnosed with this psychosexual disorder has to consult a dermatologist to find a suitable treatment course to regain their healthy looks while dealing with the underlying psychological problems.

Trichotillomania (TTM)

TTM, also known as the hair-pulling disorder, is a strong desire to pull and pluck one’s hair from different parts of the body. With TTM, one may start pulling out their eyebrows, beards, mustaches, chest hair, and scalp hair.
Anyone can develop TTM due to mental stress, traumatic experience, or secondary mental disorders. Consulting a dermatologist becomes necessary to look for possible solutions to regain the lost hair while treating the psychological issue with a different specialist.

Why Choose Skinovate for Treating Different Skin & Hair Disorders?

Our expert dermatologists at Skinovate often treat such patients who are often unaware of the root causes of their superficial skin and hair problems. Our privacy-based and medical-driven treatment approach is what has made us the most trusted clinic for skin and hair disorders in Pune. Our head dermatologists Dr. Vrushali Nikam and Dr. Sushil Chaudhary, focus on the holistic treatment of each of their patients and deliver a one-time solution for their cosmetic problems with life-long results.