Lip Augmentation
Surgery in Pune

What Is Lip Augmentation Surgery?

Do you want to give your lip a good shape along with plump and smooth lips? Then go for lip enhancement or lip augmentation procedure to achieve beautiful lips.
Thanks to the lip augmentation procedure, the fullness of the lip is enhanced, and the shape of the lip can also be changed. Both the upper and lower parts of the lips can be corrected through augmentation.

Who Is A Good Candidate?

The Lip augmentation procedure is suitable when your lips are too thin to give a definite shape and fullness.

How to Prepare For Lip Augmentation?

All details of medical history and also about current medications should be disclosed to our doctor to facilitate proper diagnosis of any health problem.
If you smoke or drink alcohol, the doctor may ask you to stop.
During this session, the areas in your lips that need improvement and the expected results will be discussed by the doctor.

What Are The Different Lip augmentation treatment Methods Offered At Skinovate?

These different enhancement treatments are done strictly according to the needs of the patient. The procedures are done under local or general anesthesia, and it may take around 2 hours to complete the procedure.
As instructed by our surgeons, oral medications to combat pain and cold compress techniques on lips to reduce swelling for the initial few days should be strictly followed.

Why Choose Skinovate For Lip Augmentation?

At Skinovate, the lip augmentation procedure is done by professional cosmetologists by using advanced techniques under sterile conditions.
Our cosmetic center is fully equipped with the latest tools and implant products to perform a range of enhancement and reduction procedures for various parts of the body. To know if you’re a candidate for lip augmentation, consult or expert Dr. Sushil Chaudhary who will also guide you through the treatment process.